Thursday, May 24, 2007

Your Sensuous Gift

Each dawn,

You remind me of Your love

not with a kiss,      but with passion

Your fire for me blazes      hot across the sky

pales out into the everyday

and         every once in a while         

You enfold me     in loving shades of Your peace

a sunset of lavender     





You come up behind me - I feel

the wind that trembles the aspen leaves,

the hairs of my body whisper

under your light breath,

my body twists against you.


You come up behind me - I feel

water laps at the shore, ebbs and

flows as you encircle my waist,

buoys me in the undercurrent

as our lips lock.


You come up behind me - I feel

fire, coals blaze soundless

melodies as you lay me down,

your body melts mine.


You come up behind me - I feel

the grass growing in ancient oak roots,

the ant maneuvers a mushroom cap

along exposed earth,

you lift my chin to look

into my eyes.


You come up behind me - I feel

the storm play through the sky, rain

pelts my hair as lightning sears, thunder

echoes my love for you

as we dance in uni-verse.

Seeing Clearly

… wind blows an empty grocery-bag, against the wire fence, breaks free to sprawl across farmer's fields northeast

of Regina.

- same wind throws topsoil from another field by Regina Beach, into the eyes of a female hitchhiker who escapes

the abuse of another lover.

… water laps at Buffalo Pound's Beach as children play in the sand, only to swim inland in the chlorinated pool.

- same water is processed and supplied as drinking water, lacking any nutrients.

… fire used to heal many, heats the grandfather rocks in a sweat lodge, left unattended as it sweeps across the barren

fields and melts the canvas tarps and prayer cloths.

- same fire singes a young girl's arm where her stepfather butts his cigarette out to teach her a lesson.

… earth bulldozed and torn up to make roadways over graves and historical sites left desecrated.

- same earth robbed of its minerals, creates a wobble in its rotation around the sun, breaks down our electromagnetic grid.

…the child gasps for breath

…the woman dies of toxic blood

…the man struggles with impotency

…the elder withers alone

…the sun sets.

Nymph Goddess

(The Energies of Life)


I sit in ceremony

invoke the elements

sacred circle intact

hair sheathed

mouth mumbles

faery words to caress

energies of life together

for the highest good of all


I stand up

untie the wizard's knot

circle unbound

my hair travels the wind


I return to you at the

end of the witching hour

spell our bodies together

my hair spills over my

breasts, knots in your fingers

my back arches

hips widen, encircle you

spirits unite bodily

our wizard's knot unleashes

orgasms of life.

Mother Wolf

rippling fur ice blue eyes

sear my soul    past anxious fear

illusive protectiveness


loyalty shivers through her

turns to the pack majestically muscular

connects the whole with    fierce determination

sure steps     an outer glimpse of my inner strength


Little Horse



His black mane shines with bear grease

tendrils braided tight

tradition of the high step in his stance

the royalty of ancestry in his breath

- echo


His hoof slides across my ground,

caresses me as Mother

pebbles freckle my back

I roll in green linen

     - sigh


His heart quickens as my breath

excites him to race, to explore

curves of my landscape

legs open to the horizon

beckons, green linen

falls away to crystal light

- breathe


The moon steals the sunset

captures his breath he relaxes

into my darkness comforted in

green linen wrapped in my arms

once more.

Hawk Dance


in the bright sky clouds caress their wingtips

the chase – playful foreplay

twirling, gliding they

fall into each other

only to fly away


they spiral

round dance to their

communion - coming together

called towards the horizon

green grass beckons

below shimmering trees

Ebb and Flow

the wind picks up

sends ripples across the lake

speedboat roars by

push waves of fun

to the kids on the

diving float

I think of all the lessons

that rock my foundation

threaten to tip me

into the cold

I ride

two feet spread wide

hips solid


no guard rails

only my own

                    buoyant center

Divine Dawn

While at Kehewin Reserve, just before the Chicken Dance, a nēhiyāw (Cree) ceremony, I was contemplating the ethical judgments of right and wrong, purity and impurity. Looking into the darkness of pre-dawn, I watched the sun rise, from darkness to light, the sky full of color. I noticed that purity was in the colors of the sky, with the white, the symbolic color of purity, tainting the lines and designs of color. This scene in totality was beautiful, but the perspective made me wonder what was naturally pure?


In the world

there is no white canvas of purity –

from darkness - which twinkles of stars and

planetary haloes -     dawn emerges

its lavenders tainted with fiery hues that bring forth the blue

purity penetrates All.


The only white on this canvas

is the phenomena of worldly clouds

set on heavenly blue.