Thursday, May 24, 2007

Seeing Clearly

… wind blows an empty grocery-bag, against the wire fence, breaks free to sprawl across farmer's fields northeast

of Regina.

- same wind throws topsoil from another field by Regina Beach, into the eyes of a female hitchhiker who escapes

the abuse of another lover.

… water laps at Buffalo Pound's Beach as children play in the sand, only to swim inland in the chlorinated pool.

- same water is processed and supplied as drinking water, lacking any nutrients.

… fire used to heal many, heats the grandfather rocks in a sweat lodge, left unattended as it sweeps across the barren

fields and melts the canvas tarps and prayer cloths.

- same fire singes a young girl's arm where her stepfather butts his cigarette out to teach her a lesson.

… earth bulldozed and torn up to make roadways over graves and historical sites left desecrated.

- same earth robbed of its minerals, creates a wobble in its rotation around the sun, breaks down our electromagnetic grid.

…the child gasps for breath

…the woman dies of toxic blood

…the man struggles with impotency

…the elder withers alone

…the sun sets.

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